WINDOW OF HOPE: Making a difference in Beirut
A Church in Beirut is providing new window frames, fitted with glass, to people in Beirut. PROJECT WINDOW OF HOPE will provide the glass and assist the church in Beirut to be vessels of hope in their community
‘THE GREAT GLOBAL RESET’ – Evil Conspiracy or Admirable Initiative?
Another video predicting the New World Order, related to the COVID-19 virus, appeared on Social Media the past month, Is it an evil conspiracy or an admirable initiative?
VIDEO – The making of Billy Graham’s casket
Our death should always be as significant as our lives.
FAKE OR FACT: Ammonium Nitrate caused the Beirut blast?
World leaders are still in disagreement as to what actually caused the Beirut blast and the question is asked “Can ammonium Nitrogen ignite a blast of this magnitude?”
LEBANON – It only took one spark
In the same way that it took one spark to ignite the ammonium and destroy a city and the lives of thousands, it can take one spark of goodwill to ignite hope and encouragement
FACEBOOK POLICE: When we judge others by their posts, but ourselves by our convictions
We all face the wrath of the “Facebook Police Force” at one time or another. How do we respond?
Quote of the Day
Philippians 1:27 Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ.
DANS MET KAMELE – Lesse van volharding op ́n geloofsreis tussen die sienlike en onsienlike.
“Een van die mees uitdagende boeke wat ek nog gelees het” – Pastoor Christo Walters, Sending leier Witbank, Suid Afrika