Evangelieklank tussen oorlogsknalle
Op dié erfenispad klink die evangelie duidelik tussen oorlogsknalle. Ja, die ou boodskap uit die Soutpansberg – steeds toegedraai in deernis, gehoorsaamheid, uitreik.
“If your Christian conversion did not reverse the direction of your life, if it did not transform it, then you are not converted at all. You are simply a victim of the ‘accept Jesus’ heresy!” – AW Tozer
FARM MURDERS: Taking revenge – like Jesus did
Christians are not people who passively accept ridicule, persecution, and affliction. They retaliate! But they do not retaliate with the weapons or the attitudes of the world.
“As Jesus is lynched in the name of religious orthodoxy and executed in the name of imperial justice… we discover that the God revealed in Christ would rather die in the name of love than kill in the name of freedom.” Brian Zahnd – Let that sink in for a moment.
VIDEO – Mission Mobilizing in a time of lock-down
Here is a short video with some thoughts on COVID-19, mobilizing for missions, and MAKING IT COUNT!
Tour de France – Tour de life
Five lessons for the race of life and the journey of faith
VIDEO – The road to reconciliation
This video shows the road out of Newcastle towards the farm where Glen and Vida Rafferty were shot.
WINDOW OF HOPE: Making a difference in Beirut
A Church in Beirut is providing new window frames, fitted with glass, to people in Beirut. PROJECT WINDOW OF HOPE will provide the glass and assist the church in Beirut to be vessels of hope in their community
‘THE GREAT GLOBAL RESET’ – Evil Conspiracy or Admirable Initiative?
Another video predicting the New World Order, related to the COVID-19 virus, appeared on Social Media the past month, Is it an evil conspiracy or an admirable initiative?
VIDEO – The making of Billy Graham’s casket
Our death should always be as significant as our lives.