“THESE COLOURS DON’T RUN”: The American elections and a civil war
In her 2022 book, “How Civil Wars Start: And How to Stop Them,” renowned political scientist Barbara F. Walter argues that “we are closer to civil war in the USA than any of us would like to believe”. I beg to differ. I, for one, do not believe there will be a civil war in America. I believe this for FOUR reasons…
A HEART FOR THE ENEMY – Consider the Christ
Where did Jesus announce, for the first time, that He is the Messiah? Take a deep breath… In enemy territory, to a single woman of reputation. The greatest announcement in human history is “wasted” on a Samaritan prostitute. Press the pause button there for a moment and consider the presence of Christ in Gaza, Beirut and even Tehran. A woman of reputation from a culture group viewed by Jews as half-breeds, is the first person to whom Jesus openly reveals himself as the Messiah. Think about that.
YAHYA SINWAR – Can grace and hatred co-exist in the same heart?
For those who express a continued hatred against Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran, the question to ask is if hatred can be justified. Are we, as recipients of grace, ever in a position to rejoice at the death of a soul who never had the opportunity to be touched by the grace of Christ like we did? Are we a John 1:16 follower or a John 1:17 believer
HISTORY TELLS US HOW THE WAR WILL END: 14 October – a turning point?
14 October 2024 could well mark a turning point in the Israel-Gaza conflict. The event was less conspicuous than the military breakthrough many pundits were anticipating but for those who study history, it was a significant indicator that events may be reaching a climax. Yes, the countless prayers for peace in the region have not been in vain.
THE GAZA DEATH TOLL: Can the numbers be trusted?
Instead of being pierced with a deep sense of sorrow, the numbers of those who have died in Gaza are often received with a mix of cynicism, anger or simply skepticism and apathy. Can the numbers be trusted? After all, it is released by Hamas. Or is it?
CHRISTIANITY IN ISRAEL: 5 facts that will surprise you
Following my previous article on the Church in Lebanon, I received questions about why I “never report on the church in Israel.” Although I have frequently discussed the Church in Israel, I felt this comment warranted a more comprehensive approach to help Christians gain a deeper understanding of the body of Christ in Israel. I believe that a thorough exploration of faith in Israel will also shed light on the broader challenges faced by Christians in the region.
FROM TRAGEDY TO ATROCITY: Standing with the Church in Gaza and Lebanon
If we don’t share the pain of Christians in Gaza and Lebanon, we are either not part of the body of Christ or we suffer from diseases called spiritual leprosy and spiritual AIDS.
DEMONIZING THE ENEMY: Israel and the manipulation of shadow projections
Holocaust and Genocide never, repeat never happen without lies about an evil “Other.” A single human being may hurt, or even kill, another human being. But in order to kill a hundred, a thousand, and certainly hundreds of thousands, the victims must be turned into something sub-or nonhuman. This is how the manipulation of shadow projections operate
COMPLICIT CHRISTIANITY: How Gaza is shaping missions in the Middle East.
Complicit Christianity, pro-Israel advocates who support the military engagement in Gaza, will ultimately lead to the extinction of the Palestinian Church, the increase of persecution for local believers and a decrease in regional mission activities. The influence of Western Christian leaders and their vocal commitment to the destruction of Gaza could be compared to the Crusades which started in the 11th century, and will be equally devastating for the future of missions endeavours in the Middle East.
LEBANON: The People’s Reaction to the War.
At diaLOGOS (www.dialogos.co.za) and The Third Way, we are grateful to have friends, partners, and co-workers in regions that are impacted by the current conflict in Gaza. One of our partners currently serving as a diaLOGOS field journalist in Lebanon, wrote the following report: