SHIFTING CONTAINERS – Charitable Capacity
Giving, both how we give and how much we give, is the clearest outward expression of who our God really is. Our check stubs speak more honestly of our priorities than our church memberships.” Scott Rodin
FIVE REASONS – why there will NOT be a civil war in America
History has proven that Americans have the ability to rise above their difference. No doubt this will happen again, and here is why!
SHIFTING CONTAINERS – Intentional Capacity
Unless we can truly expand our capacity to make Godly choices our containers will remain small and unable to contain the spiritual riches of a Saviour who died and rose again.
Spiritual Accelerationism
There has to be a concerted effort by all who live by the name Jesus to move away from agendas, move into enemy territory, and move hearts towards one another.
SHIFTING CONTAINERS – Emotional Capacity (part 2)
Growing our capacity to love deeper, to love wider, to love more extravagantly, and to love completely differently must be one of the major pursuits on our journey with Christ.
SHIFTING CONTAINERS – Emotional Capacity (part 1)
Growing our capacity to love deeper, to love wider, to love more extravagantly, and to love completely differently must be one of the major pursuits on our journey with Christ.