For those who suffered in Israel in the early hours of October 7, there is hope. For those who have suffered in Palestine since then, there is hope. How God will use this present darkness to shine forth the light of His redemption we don’t know. But what we do know is that God favours no one and His hands are never too far away for anyone who reaches out.
SANDWICHED BETWEEN SUFFERING: The consecration of the Egyptian Church
In the light of the war in Gaza, we had the opportunity to visit the Church in Egypt, probably the only nation that can provide stability, reliefand assistance to the 1,2 million Gazans in need. We were asked to explore from scripture the instruction to be light and salt, walking with integrity, and finding balances in our daily lives. This report aims to provide the INFORMATION, the INSPIRATION, and also the INTERPRETATION of encounters that once again transformed our lives.
In Search Of Peacemakers
Few leaders are willing to be known as peacemakers. But even more concerning is the fact that many Christian leaders have abdicated their roles as peacemakers in pursuit of theological justice. We have taken sides – in Ukraine and in Israel – and we have left the innocent at the mercy of politicians, war-lords and global powers.