CHRISTOFASCISM:  Bringing Christ into conflict.

CHRISTOFASCISM:  Bringing Christ into conflict.

August 1, 2024 Off By Mike

A defiant Benjamin Netanyahu, in an address to a joint meeting of the US Congress on Wednesday, 24 July 2024, dismissed pro-Palestinian protesters as “idiots” and “tools of Iran.”   “This is not a clash of civilizations. It’s a clash between barbarism and civilization.  It’s a clash between those who glorify death and those who sanctify life,” Netanyahu said to cheers and applause in the House chamber.

The picture that Netanyahu so vividly painted was not the war between Hamas and Israel. It was between Palestinians – as barbaric people – and Israelis – as people of civility.  It appealed to those who abhor evil, embracing the support and approval of many Christian leaders, especially in the USA.

But Netanyahu went a step further.  “If Israel loses, America is next,” he declared. “And I’ll tell you what else is next: the ability of all democracies to fight terror. … That’s what’s on the line.”

National supremacy, demonizing those who are deemed culturally inferior, and pursuing a military agenda of domination and suppression are all classical and well-defined trademarks of FASCISM and FASCIST BEHAVIOUR. And Netanyahu, and Israel – and its allies for that matter – ticks all the boxes. This is not a matter of opinion, but a matter of definition.


Fascism is a political ideology that emerged in Europe between World Wars I and II. Here are some key characteristics:

  1. EXTREME NATIONALISM: Fascist leaders emphasize the supremacy of one group over another based on race, religion, ethnicity, and nationality. For example, calling Palestinians barbarians and protesters (empathizers of war victims) idiots, are classic examples of fascist behaviour. Israel’s defence minister, Yoav Gallant, confirmed Israel’s fascist intent when he made the following statement at the start of the Gaza war:  “I have ordered a complete siege on the Gaza Strip. There will be no electricity, no food, no fuel, everything is closed.  We are fighting human animals, and we are acting accordingly.”

Comparing Palestinians to animals and defending cruelty as acts of justice are classical examples of fascist behaviour and are reminiscent of  Mussolini’s Italy, and in a different form, Hitler’s Germany who defined the Jews as a race and not a ethno-religious community, characterising the effect of a Jewish presence as a “race-tuberculosis of the peoples,” and identified the initial goal of a German government to be discriminatory legislation against Jews.  Hitler’s infamous remarks that “the ultimate goal must definitely be the removal of the Jews altogether” are not much different from Netanyahu who declared that Israelis were united in their fight against Hamas, whom he described as an enemy of incomparable cruelty. “We are committed to completely eliminating this evil from the world,” Netanyahu said in Hebrew. He then added: “You must remember what Amalek has done to you, says our Holy Bible. And we do remember.”

There are more than 23,000 verses in the Old Testament. The ones Netanyahu turned to, as Israeli forces launched their ground invasion of Gaza, are among its most violent—and have a long history of being used by Jews on the far right to justify killing Palestinians.

Under Netanyahu’s leadership, the ‘Nation-State Bill’ (2018) was passed by the Knesset (62 to 55, and two abstentions), which essentially states that “the right to exercise national self-determination” in Israel is “unique to the Jewish people.” Furthermore, it established Hebrew as Israel’s official language, and downgraded Arabic — a language widely spoken by Arab Israelis — to a “special status.” Finally, It established “Jewish settlement as a national value” and mandated that the state “will labour to encourage and promote its establishment and development.”

  1. CULT OF PERSONALITY: Fascist leaders create an image of themselves as revered figures. These leaders are often authoritarian and suppress opposition. Consider the more than 40,000 Gazans who have now been killed with more than 90% of all people in Gaza being displaced and more than 60% of all residential buildings destroyed.  Netanyahu has dismissed the criticism of his opposition and operates as a man with a divine appointment. Netanyahu is the longest-serving prime minister in Israel’s history, having served a total of over 16 years.

But not only Gazans experience the authoritarian rule of Netanyahu.  Netanyahu has also cultivated close relationships with Israel’s two main ultra-religious parties – ultra being the operative word – Shas and United Torah Judaism, which seek authority over religious, educational and social affairs in the Jewish state.  Within this alliance exists a loyalty to Netanyahu that borders on cult status and confirms some basic fascistic characteristics, such as belief in a divine and historic nationhood and tradition that is superior to any notion of modern democracy and citizenship; a pronounced sense of aggrievance and victimhood; militaristic tendencies; and cult worship with a golden Netanyahu medallion of loyalty to go with it. In his speech to Congress, Netanyahu repeatedly emphasised the Jews exclusive claim to the land. For nearly four thousand years, the land of Israel has been the homeland of the Jewish people. It’s always been our home; it will always be our home”, he stated.

Consider the core of Netanyahu’s discourse and rhetoric in front of Congress.  “If Israel loses, America is next,” he declared. “And I’ll tell you what else is next: the ability of all democracies to fight terror. … That’s what’s on the line.”  The arguments Netanyahu use in the West seldom point to him as the Prime Minister of Israel fighting Hamas, but how he as saviour of the world is fighting the cause of democracy on behalf of the civilized world, “Israel fights on the frontline of civilization”.  His fight is more than one against Hamas but against the threat of global terrorism and the freedom of democracy.  His appeal for support is therefore always based on his and Israe’s role as saviour and bastion against anti-democratic hordes.  The fact that thousands are killed to achieve these objectives seem to escape most of his audiences.

  1. MILITARISM:  A strong element of fascism is the belief or the desire that a state (or people) should maintain a strong military capability and to use it aggressively to expand national interests and/or values. In his acknowledgement of America’s decades-long military support, Netayahu reminded the American people that, “We’ve jointly developed some of the most sophisticated weapons on Earth”. He went on to repeatedly impress on Congress the need for more and expediated arms to Israel: “Give us the tools faster, and we’ll finish the job faster”. “Fast tracking US military aid can dramatically expedite an end to the war in Gaza and help prevent a broader war in the Middle East” he stated emphatically.

Many within Israel itself have warned of a rapid slide towards fascism.  Four days before the Hamas attack, the Israeli newspaper Haaretz published an editorial under the heading ‘Israeli Neo-Fascism Threatens Israelis and Palestinians Alike’. One month earlier, 200 Israeli high school students declared their refusal to be conscripted declaring: ‘We decided that we cannot, in good faith, serve a bunch of fascist settlers that are in control of the government right now.’ In another Haaretz editorial, the author described an, “‘Israeli fascist revolution’ ticking off all items in the checklist, from virulent racism to a contempt for weakness, from a lust for violence to anti-intellectualism.” Regardless of our personal or Biblical convictions on Israel and the current conflict in Gaza, there is no doubt that Netanyahu, and the Israeli leadership, fit the profile of a dangerous fascist regime.

But this is not the topic of this article.  This article concerns the less obvious sin of CHRISTOFASCISM – where Christ is added to an ungodly model of oppression and domination.


There was one meeting that was more disconcerting than the speech before congress.  It was at this meeting where Christ was so clearly added to the discussion and where Christian leaders not only gave their approval to the fascist leadership of Israel, but their blessing.  Christ, and all those He died for, were sacrificed on the altar of a national allegiance.

The Christian event on Wednesday, 24 July, marked the meeting of some 15 to 20 pro-Israel evangelical leaders with Netanyahu.  Among those in attendance were Christians United for Israel (CUFI) Pastor John Hagee, Family Research Council President Tony Perkins, Philos Project Executive Director Luke Moon, televangelist Paula White, Friends of Zion Chairman Mike Evans and Jordanna McMillen, US Director of the Israel Allies Caucus Foundation.  A group of Latino evangelical pastors including Carlos Ortiz were also present.

“Our message today to the prime minister and to the Jewish people of Israel and the United States, [is] that the Christians of America stand solidly with Israel,” said Pastor Hagee.  “We feel that they have every right to be totally victorious in this military conflict and we’re here to tell them [ourselves],” he added.

Mike Evans compounded the matter by emphasising the cult leadership element when he said: “Netanyahu, is the leader of the evangelical movement of the world.” And: “He has more support among the evangelicals globally than even Donald Trump. There’s no person on the planet that is more respected by evangelicals than Benjamin Netanyahu, and part of it’s because he understands us and he’s been an advocate of close relations with us from the very beginning.”

When Christ was added to justify fascist behaviour, and a human is idolised, regardless of the Biblical justification and spiritual intent, the Church moves from a call to influence to a quest for dominion.  This is called CHRISTOFASCISM.

CHRISTOFASCISM is a spiritual ideology that intersects the characteristics of fascism with the teachings of Christianity. The term was coined in 1970 by liberation theologian Dorothee Sölle. It describes attempts to place Christ at the centre of social life and history, often leading to dictatorial tendencies within religious contexts. Essentially, it refers to the fusion of extreme Christian beliefs with authoritarian political views.

CHRISTOFASCISM exists where Christians, and their allegiances, are seen as superior to other groups and demand special privileges. It demonizes those who believe differently, it criticises those who live differently and it demeans those who look different.

Sadly, the culture of Christofascism has penetrated society far deeper and wider than we would like to acknowledge.  The opening ceremony of the 2024 Olympic Games is proof of that.  The demands of Christians that all society should reflect their beliefs is contrary to what Christ taught that even though we are in this world, we are not of it (John 17: 11,16).  We are to live out faith, not protect it, force it or demand it.

Nowhere in scripture are we called to dominate; we are called to serve (Mathhew 20:26).  Nowhere are we instructed to rule, we are told to witness (Acts 1:8).

In a nutshell:

  • Fascism: thinking of those who are different as subhuman
  • Christofacism: thinking of those who are different as demonic

Biblical examples of CHRISTOFASCISM

The BOANERGES BROTHERS, James and John, the sons of thunder (Luke 9:51-56).

When traveling through Samaria on their way to Jerusalem Jesus attempted to find accommodation for the night in one place but was met with opposition from the villagers, simply because His destination was Jerusalem—a result of Jewish-Samaritan prejudice.  For the sake of His honour and integrity, James and John felt the need to intervene.  They took offense on behalf of the Lord.  They implored: “Lord, give us permission to command fire to come down from heaven, not to frighten them only, but to consume them.”

Their sense of Jewish nationalism interacted with their sense of loyalty to Christ.  But in doing so they sacrificed their devotion to Christ on the altar of nationalism.


No teaching is further removed from the teachings of Christ than Fascism – especially Christofascism. Every word that Jesus spoke, every person He touched and every soul He encountered centred around inclusivity and acceptance. He despised the fascists of His days – the Scribes and the Pharisees – but never looked down on the culturally despised, the social outcasts or the spiritually weak. His teachings centred on servanthood, being the least and respecting all – even the cruel emperor. He forgave the ‘terrorists’ of His time – the Romans. He blessed the sinners that crossed His path and showed undeserved mercy to those who sought to harm Him. Not a drop of Fascist blood dripped from the cross. Not a word of domination or superiority flowed from His lips.

For anyone who follows this Man, it is unthinkable to align with anyone who seeks to destroy another, whether it be Hamas seeking the destruction of Israel or Israel seeking the destruction of Gaza. Whether it be the Democrats demonizing Trump or the Republicans ridiculing Kamala Harris.


Richard Rohr wrote the following:

“Compassion and patience are the absolutely unique characteristics of true spiritual authority, and without any doubt are the way both St. Francis and St. Clare led their communities. They led, not from above, and not even from below, but mostly from within, by walking with their brothers and sisters, or “smelling like the sheep,” as Pope Francis puts it. Only people at home in such a spacious place can take on the social illnesses of their time, and not be destroyed by cynicism or bitterness. 

Spiritual leaders who lack basic human compassion have almost no power to change other people, because people intuitively know they do not represent the Whole and Holy One. Such leaders need to rely upon roles, laws, costume, and enforcement powers to effect any change in others. Such change does not go deep, nor does it last. In fact, it is not really change at all. It is mere conformity.”

Whether we agree or disagree, let’s re-examine our hearts. Christofascism is a sin.  It is an unChristian character trait that nullifies the witness of a Saviour that came to earth so that all can be saved.