April 7, 2020 Off By Mike

Is it really true that our hope is found in Christ alone, or have we added theories and theologies to meet our expectations? When disillusionment turns into discomfort it explodes into the toxic practice of social slander. The same crowd that shouted “Hosanna” on the road to Jerusalem was the same crowd, now disillusioned and deeply disappointed, that cried out “crucify him” IN Jerusalem. When we face the valley of fear and uncertainty, we have to find scapegoats. Someone must be held accountable for my disappointment. And, sadly, COVID-19 revealed more than just an infectious disease, it also exposed the cancer of conspiracy theories within the body of Christ.

Linking Biblical prophesies with a post-COVID-19 world, has inevitably raised the expectations of end-time theologians. Is this what Scripture predicted? And who will be the vessel? Is it Bill Gates promoting the new-world order through his Quantum Dot Tattoos Vaccine? Is 5G the real reason behind the Coronavirus? And is lockdown part of a very sinister plan? But worst of all, these conspiracies come from Christian leaders who sow fear and suspicion in a season of opportunity.

How desperately deprived the world would have been if the disciples viewed the cross through a conspiracy lens. Gloriously the disciples didn’t, and for that reason, the pure message of redemption was carried to the ends of the earth. Sadly, this is not the case anymore. Many (fortunately not most) Christians seem to be more obsessed with end time prophesies in a season of opportunity than in reaching out to those in need. The question therefore in this season of uncertainty is how to deal with RISING EXPECTATIONS.

Firstly, from a spiritual perspective, it is important to calibrate our expectations with the heart of the gospel. If what we believe sows fear, suspicion, distrust and doubt it CANNOT be from the Lord who taught us to trust, reconcile, love and believe. If we pass on any message that does not reflect a Christ-consciousness we become vessels in the hand of the enemy that we so desperately try to expose.

Christ never saw himself as a victim but as a servant. The apostles never saw their persecution (or lock-down) as a conspiracy but as a blessing. The early Church never preached the anti-Christ, but the crucified Christ. The early missionaries never sought a scape-goat but became sacrificial lambs. The disciples were never concerned about a One World Order (even if they had more than enough reason to do so), but the focused on the One who would save the world

Oh, may the Lord have mercy on us. It seems like some followers of Christ today are more concerned with end-time prophesies and conspiracy theories than the message of the cross – REDEMPTION. And heaven weeps. Christ did not come to earth to expose wickedness but to reveal goodness. He did not lead His followers to reveal the hatred of those who oppose Him but to display love so they can follow Him. He did not call the Church to unveil darkness but to be the light.

According to a crucified, conspired-against, redeemer…

Gaining more insight in the fulfilment of prophesies than the anguish for the lost is a heresy

Finding more value in conspiracy theories than Christ-like values is a sin

Identifying scapegoats in a time of need more than assisting the vulnerable is despicable

Spending more time on the speculation of others than the teachings of Christ is an abomination

Here is a reminder

  • First of all, COVID-19 shows us the uncertainty of life. It is not because of a conspiracy, 5G, micro-chips or even a new world order that we face a global lockdown. It is because of a fallen world that Christ came to redeem
  • Secondly, the present is short and eternity is long. Sometimes we reverse that. Our focus now should be on eternity and implementing the values that Christ displayed so that people can be saved.
  • Thirdly COVID-19 does not increase death. Everybody on this planet will eventually die. It’s the way they die that causes us so much grief and instead of trying to find a scapegoat we should grieve with those who grieve. And we should ask what we can do to alleviate their suffering.