Lockdown Day 2: BITTER OR BETTER
1 Thessalonians 5:18 Give thanks in ALL CIRCUMSTANCES; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.
If you want to know if someone is truly transformed – not born-again but transformed – see how they react to the unplanned inconveniences and discomforts of life.
Life has a strange way of happening while we make other plans. When this happens, a transformed believer will find the ability to become better while others become bitter.
Gloriously, or disastrously (depending on our attitudes), 21 days of isolation provide an opportunity to re-evaluate our hearts, to rediscover some forgotten virtues, and to reignite the light of Christ in a very critical and fearful society. This is an opportunity for Christians to respond with a Christ consciousness and we need to guard against bitterness and pursue betterness
From the book: SOUPIFIED