There are 17,423 people groups in the world According to Joshua Project (https://joshuaproject.net/)
- 7,410 are not yet reached
- 42,5 of all peoples on earth
- 5,495 live within 10/40 Window
- 84% of people in the 10/40 window are unreached
- In India alone there are 2,548 people groups
- Of which 2,217 are unreached… 1/3 of all unreached people
In the 10/40 window alone there are
- 724 million Muslims,
- 787 million Hindus,
- and 240 million Buddhists
According to Atlas of global Christianity the following nations receive the most missionaries:
- USA: receives 32,400 missionaries. Most by any country in the world
- Brazil: receives 20,000 missionaries.
- Russia: receives 20,000 missionaries.
- DRC: receives 15,000 missionaries.
- S. Africa: receives 12,000 missionaries. Nearly as many as India and China combined
- France: receives 10,000 missionaries.
- UK: receives 10,000 missionaries.
- India: receives 8,000 missionaries.
- China: receives only 5,000 missionaries.
It seems like most missionaries work in Christian nations
From “The Atlas of Global Christianity” Todd Johnson & Kenneth R.Ross
According to Atlas of global Christianity the following nations send the most missionaries per capita:
- Palestine: sends 34 missionaries for every 10,000 believers . The most by any country in the world
- Ireland: sends 21 missionaries for every 10,000 believers. Second on the list
- Malta: sends 20 missionaries for every 10,000 believers . Third on the list
- Samoa: sends 19 missionaries for every 10,000 believers . Fourth on the list
- South Korea: sends 10 missionaries for every 10,000 believers . Fifth on the list
- USA: sends 6 missionaries every 10,000 believers . Only 10th on the list
- South Africa: sends 2 missionaries for every 10,000 believers
The Global shift in Missions has to impact our strategies. Are we alternating our activities?
From “The Atlas of Global Christianity” Todd Johnson & Kenneth R.Ross