NATHANAEL’S BUBBLE – think for yourself

NATHANAEL’S BUBBLE – think for yourself

February 17, 2025 Off By Mike


Nathanael’s Bubble

You and I have bubbles. Everyone does. No matter who we are, where we live, or how enlightened we think we are.  We all live in bubbles. We discuss wars, we contemplate pandemics, we scrutinise vaccines, we share convictions, and we judge evildoers, but we fail to recognise that “our truth” comes from a bubble of prejudice, shaped by our experiences and environments.

I have really enjoyed writing this book and it challenged me to the core.  What I enjoyed most was stepping INTO scripture, trying to understand how the transformative, counter-cultural, and liberating teachings of Christ must have challenged His followers.  Salted and seasoned, ever pointing to a God who came to seek and save the lost, His teachings always offended the religious and comforted the sinner.  In every chapter I stepped into a story and was confronted with myself.

Detecting, dissecting and dismembering our distinctive and debilitating bubbles


  1. NATHANEAL’S BUBBLE:  An introduction from one who sits under the fig tree
  2. NAVIGATED BY A NAÏVE GOD: Hi, I’m Mike and I’m naive!
  3. THE ONE O’CLOCK GUN:  Now, here’s a thought—let’s think for ourselves
  4. PUT THIS IN YOUR PIPE AND SMOKE IT:  The grand announcement
  5. THE IDIOSYNCRASY OF JESUS:  A peculiar way of thinking
  6. BUBBLE-BASED BELIEVERS:  Let’s master the art of unlearning before we start relearning
  7. NEUROLOGICAL LAZINESS: Once we decide, it’s difficult to re-decide
  8. CEMENTING YOUR BUBBLES: The glue that keeps our bubbles together
  9. THE BOANERGES BROTHERS:  More than just humanity
  10. THE DEPLORABLE DECAPOLIAN: Separating the unworthy
  11. LAZARUS AND DIVES: The man who never noticed
  12. PETER: THE MAN OF THREE SWORDS: Are you a knight or a gardener?
  13. SNAKE HILL, SEXPO AND COVID: In conversation with Peter


12 months to burst our bubbles

  1. Bursting our RELIGIOUS bubbles
  2. Bursting our SPIRITUAL bubbles
  3. Bursting our THEOLOGICAL bubbles
  4. Bursting our SOCIAL bubbles
  5. Bursting our EMOTIONAL bubbles
  6. Bursting our MENTAL bubbles
  7. Bursting our ECONOMIC bubbles
  8. Bursting our INTELECTUAL bubbles
  9. Bursting our PHYSICAL bubbles
  10. Bursting our GEOGRAPHICAL bubbles
  11. Bursting our CULTURAL bubbles
  12. Bursting our SECURITY bubbles

The book is now available (sadly, only in SA at the moment).  You can order a copy at

Let me know if you are interested!