OLYMPIC GAMES: Being offended by things that matter

OLYMPIC GAMES: Being offended by things that matter

July 30, 2024 Off By Mike

William Carey, the missionary pioneer in India, once said:  “I am not afraid of failure. I am afraid of succeeding in things that don’t matter.”

In light of all the discourse regarding the Olympic Games opening ceremony in Paris, I would like to rephrase the quote as follows:  “I am not afraid of opposition.  I am afraid of defending things that don’t matter”

Now, don’t get me wrong.  I’m not saying blasphemy is alright and should not be addressed.  It is a deep conviction in the heart of every follower of Christ that His name should be honoured and revered.  This is our witness to defend it with love and grace.  But this is not what it’s all about.

Here’s what really concerns me.  After the opening ceremony on Friday evening and the assumption that the organisers mocked Christianity, which they didn’t, and that they ridiculed Christ at the Last Supper, which they wouldn’t, social media went into a frenzy of criticism, disapproval and demonising anything and everything that had to do with the Olympic Games.  Many Christians refused to continue watching the games and some even compared the games to the anti-Christ.  If you feel so strongly about it, this is your right to do so.


Why not rather be offended by issues that would attract the attention of the Lord?  Do we really think the Lord will keep Himself busy fighting the Olympic organisers?  Or would He rather spend His time seeking and saving the Lost?  We can safely assume that that is exactly what He would do.  We know this because that is exactly what He did when He dwelt on earth.  No, He didn’t go around taking offence when the Pharisees mocked Him.  He didn’t defend His honour against the traitors and Roman executioners.  He didn’t spend His energy condemning the Scribes and blasphemers.  He went to the outcasts, the downtrodden, the vulnerable, the sick, the possessed and the marginalised.  He spent His energy and time healing the brokenhearted, setting the captives free, sharing the good news to the poor, and touching the untouchables.


If you want to be offended by something, be offended by the 390 million Christians who are globally persecuted for their faith.  Be upset that 13 Christians are killed every single day of the year because they confess Christ.  Be disturbed by the 12 churches that are attacked and destroyed every single day in more than 50 countries.

Oh for goodness sake, take offence.  But do so because of the death of 15,000 children who have been killed in Gaza.  Or how about the 1,9 million people (95% of the population) who have now lost their homes, their security and their futures.

Yes, stand up, but do so for the voiceless and the homeless.  For the more than 120 million displaced people in the world.  If you are offended, be offended that since the beginning of April 2023, more than 2.6 million Sudanese have been displaced within Sudan and 738,000 others have fled to neighbouring countries.  Be offended that it didn’t offend anybody.  The world watched in silence.

No, we simply cannot be silent.  We have to address injustice and blasphemy.  So what about the 5,2 million Venezuelan refugees that do not even reach a headline on Social Media?  Or the 6,3 million Ukrainians that are displaced due to a war they never asked for.  No indignation on social media.  No offence taken.  But God forbid that my faith is placed under a magnifying glass.

If you want to be offended, BE OFFENDED, but be offended by things that matter to God.  For God’s sake, let the athletes compete in peace and leave the offense to the Lord.  Let’s focus on those who drew the attention of the Lord and let us defend the defenceless.

PS:  Picture of the Refugee Olympic Team in Rio