Tag: Christian

A COLLISION OF CHRISTIANITIES: I no longer want to be called a “Christian”

The controversy around Bishop Mariann Budde’s prophetic message to Trump last week at the National Cathedral’s inaugural prayer service made me question whether I still want to be called a Christian.   Not because of her message, but because of the way that “Christians” responded. I do not want to be identified as a “Christian” anymore based on my confession.  People must see it, suspect it and savour it.  Little-Christ or no-Christ.  Nothing more, nothing less.  Friend of sinners!  How about that?

By Mike January 28, 2025 Off


A number of messages are currently circulating on social media that are not only completely false but are deliberate attempts to rob the Church of her role as peacemaker and the bearer of Good News.  What is even more disconcerting is the eagerness with which these messages are forwarded and passed on to fellow believers.  So, how do we respond?

By Mike September 23, 2021 Off