THE BACONIAN FALLACY OF GAZA: and the death of human compassion
Satan loves to destroy a heart of compassion by “inoculating” us with just enough of the truth that we become immune to the Father of ALL compassion (2 Corinthians 1:3). We get so caught up in the KNOWN KNOWNS, the facts and figures that we research so diligently and hold on to so tightly, that we lose sight of the way that the KNOWN KNOWN Redeemer has shown us.
GAZA, LEBANON and SYRIA: the darkness of the tomb or the darkness of the womb?
What if the darkness in Syria is the darkness of the womb and not the darkness of the tomb? What if the darkness in Gaza is the birth pains of something so beautiful that only God can comprehend it. What if God, in His sovereign goodness and His desire to seek and save the lost, can use this darkness to birth a nation, to raise a people, and to establish His presence through the beauty of His church. What if this is the darkness of the womb and not the darkness of a tomb?
ANOTHER NATION, ANOTHER WAR – Can beauty save our world?
“Beauty will save the world” These words by Russian philosopher, Fyodor Dostoevsky can be easily dismissed as hopelessly naive, considering all that is happening in the world today. But for Dostoevsky “beauty” seemed to transcend aesthetics, and is what inspires the best in us, our aspirations for what is good and true, and what connects us to each other. Sadly, for many Christians, truth has replaced beauty. It is so much easier to demand submission to the teachings of Christ than it is to radiate the beauty of Christ. Judging people is a lot easier than loving them and condemning sinners is a lot easier than forgiving them.