Tag: Israel

COMPLICIT CHRISTIANITY: How Gaza is shaping missions in the Middle East.

Complicit Christianity, pro-Israel advocates who support the military engagement in Gaza, will ultimately lead to the extinction of the Palestinian Church, the increase of persecution for local believers and a decrease in regional mission activities.  The influence of Western Christian leaders and their vocal commitment to the destruction of Gaza could be compared to the Crusades which started in the 11th century, and will be equally devastating for the future of missions endeavours in the Middle East.

By Mike September 4, 2024 Off

 A Christian Response to Evil in Israel/Palestine

Defining evil in politics is notoriously complex. While politicians often reduce evil to ideologies, extremism, or oppression, the Christian point of view delves deeper. Christian theology views evil as a fundamental flaw in human nature, rooted in a broken relationship with God. This understanding shapes a radically different approach to addressing evil.

By Mike August 5, 2024 Off

CHRISTOFASCISM:  Bringing Christ into conflict.

There was one meeting that was more disconcerting than the speech Mr. Netanyahu delivered to the US Congress in July.  It was at this meeting where Christ was so clearly added to the discussion and where Christian leaders not only gave their approval to the fascist leadership of Israel, but their blessing.  Christ, and all those He died for, were sacrificed on the altar of an allegiance. This is called CHRISTOFASCISM.

By Mike August 1, 2024 Off


There is a new pandemic sweeping the globe.  I suffer from it, you, as reader, suffer from it and every other human being suffer from it.  This time, unlike the 2019 COVID  pandemic that affected the lungs and restricted human movement, it affects the mind and restricts human reasoning.  It’s called CONFIRMATION BIAS, perhaps better described as MYSIDE BIAS.

By Mike March 27, 2024 Off

ISRAEL’S RIGHT TO DEFEND ITSELF: The 3 laws of a just war

Many Christians, with firm convictions that Israel is acting purely out of self-defence in Gaza, are good people acting in good faith. However, most of our thinking is often, for various reasons, warped by motivated reasoning and confirmation bias, and this leads us to replace complexity with simplicity. This is just human nature.  The answer is not that simple though.

By Mike March 4, 2024 Off


We now live in a season of bubble-based-believers.  The conflict in Gaza has subtly turned Bible-based believers into bubble-based believers.  It has alienated followers of Christ and firmly placed us into “bubbles” of allegiances. If you are in the crowds today don’t disregard the words of your Saviour.  It still applies today to Hamas as much as it did to Nero and the Roman persecutors.  Times might have changed but Christ didn’t, and neither did His teachings. 

By Mike February 8, 2024 Off