COMPLICIT CHRISTIANITY: How Gaza is shaping missions in the Middle East.
Complicit Christianity, pro-Israel advocates who support the military engagement in Gaza, will ultimately lead to the extinction of the Palestinian Church, the increase of persecution for local believers and a decrease in regional mission activities. The influence of Western Christian leaders and their vocal commitment to the destruction of Gaza could be compared to the Crusades which started in the 11th century, and will be equally devastating for the future of missions endeavours in the Middle East.
SELECTIVE GENEROSITY: and the future of missions in the Middle East
Unfortunately, the groundbreaking work of countless missionaries in the Middle East during the past decades could be nullified by the support of Western Evangelicals for Israel. This will close doors for future missionaries from the West and is something few organisations and Churches are currently contemplating.
THE TOOTH – Mission mishaps and divine disasters
“Humanity has unquestionably one really effective weapon; laughter. Against the assault of laughter nothing can stand.” – Mark Twain
INcontext International is currently facilitating virtual conferences with representatives from across the globe to discuss MISSIONS IN A POST COVID-19 WORLD. This article is a personal contribution to stimulate further engagement.