Tag: Palestine

 A Christian Response to Evil in Israel/Palestine

Defining evil in politics is notoriously complex. While politicians often reduce evil to ideologies, extremism, or oppression, the Christian point of view delves deeper. Christian theology views evil as a fundamental flaw in human nature, rooted in a broken relationship with God. This understanding shapes a radically different approach to addressing evil.

By Mike August 5, 2024 Off


If you are praying for the peace of Jerusalem, like Psalm 122 instructs, then take a moment to reconsider your prayers and realign your focus. PEACE already entered Jerusalem 2,000 years ago, on a donkey – and they crucified him. But Peace didn’t leave Jerusalem. Peace rose again and left His followers with a new instruction – this time not to PRAY for the PEACE of Jerusalem, but to WITNESS of the PEACE in Jerusalem.
So, what does peace look like in Jerusalem today?:

By Mike March 20, 2024 Off