VIRTUES VS VICES: what the Gaza conflict exposed
Observing Gaza, with the loss of more than 17,000 souls, it seems like Christians have taken on the role of aggressor while Muslims talk peace. As Christians we are consecrated to be impartial, full of mercy, and bold witnesses of the Kingdom of Peace. If we fail to do so, we will inevitably relinquish our role as peacemakers. Over the next week, I would love to explore five vices that the conflict has exposed and five reasons why Christians in the West have lost their influence in one of the most opportune seasons in history.
THE VIRTUE OF ACCEPTANCE – Not being a ‘taker of faces’
Virtues are at the core of our character, and character ultimately determines destiny. The more we acknowledge the potential impact that practicing virtues can have on our lives, and the lives of those around us, the more we will seek to grow in this regard.
INSALTED – Christianity inside out
INsalted (Not to be confused with insulted or insulting – to speak to or treat with disrespect or scornful abuse.) Matthew 5:13 “You are the salt of the earth. INSALTED: the blessing of having your inner self[1] filled[2] to the brim[3], and seasoned with virtues that reflect the beauty, the consciousness, and the character of…