‘THE GREAT GLOBAL RESET’ – Evil Conspiracy or Admirable Initiative?
Another video predicting the New World Order, related to the COVID-19 virus, appeared on Social Media the past month. The article and video produced by Olive Tree Ministries was originally published as part of a ‘prophesy watch’ and appeared on the website on Thursday, 30 July 2020 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oNfTfDRpwxY&t=3s)
The article and supportive video refer to the Coronavirus as a Trojan Horse and how the New World Order (NWO) will be established by “The Global Elites” at the World Economic Forum in January 2021 as they implement ‘The Great Global Economic Reset’
The article starts with the following introduction:
“In the words from their own mouths the plan by global elites to force the ‘great reset’, a phrase they themselves have coined and they are using all the events from COVID-19 to the race riots to bring it to pass. When you understand that the Mark of the Beast is mostly a financial mark, controlling all buying and selling, is it any wonder that the ‘great reset’ is brought to us by the elites of the World Economic Forum?!
The article then refers to the “Great Reset” website and the “interesting clip of people under surveillance being tracked and traced all of whom appear to be wearing masks. In another clip a man wearing his mask gets his temperature read by way of a forehead thermometer. Isn’t that interesting. It’s almost like pre-programming and conditioning.”
The host, Jan Markel, founder of Olive Tree Ministries, and the guests, Pastors Tom Hughes and Brandon Holthaus start by saying that this is the birth of the NWO and that the Economic Forum sees Christianity as the root of all evil. This is a typical introduction to a conspiracy theory – sow suspicion and create an enemy image by taking on a victim mentality.
Jan Markell the sets the scene by referring to COVID-19 as the master plan by the NWO to systematically take away our rights by forcing us to wear masks and having our temperatures taken. This statement alone should immediately raise a red flag. Wearing a mask is a sign of care, not only for one self but especially for those around you. It is only seen as evil by those who seek to see evil.
But lets evaluate the video systematically
Instead of evaluating every fact that the host, Jan Markel, founder of Olive Tree Ministries, and the guests, Pastors Tom Hughes and Brandon Holthaus says on the video clip, it will be of more value to establish some basic principles and then apply them to evaluate the video. The principles should include the following:
- Is she qualified to speak on this subject?
- What is the nature of the source?
- Is the source known for its non-biased reporting?
- Can you find the same information somewhere else from a credible source?
- Is the author conveying facts in search of truth or is there an agenda?
- Is the tone of the author accusing, aggressive, alarmist or does it convey concern, care, and anguish?
- If the content contains any slander (even in the name of truth), if it creates fear (even in the name of truth), if it creates suspicion or division (even in the name of truth) it is NOT from God and should be rejected.
So, let us turn to the video
- Is she qualified to speak on this subject?
NO – Markell has no insight into what the WEF discussed, plan or aim. The video is based on assumptions and interpretations based on terminology that the WEF uses in their documents. She did not interview anybody neither did she consult anybody outside her prophetic circles. Markell is of Jewish descent, claiming that she had gotten saved at a young age by the Messianic Jewish preacher Hyman Appleman. After her conversion she dabbled in the occult but after a demonic encounter with Satan, she renounced the devil and rededicated her self to Jesus. This would lead her on the road to founding Olive Tree Ministries where she “exposes “evil”.
Jan Markell has previously “prophesied” on several issues relating to COVID-19 which has now been proven wrong. She made the early claim that coronavirus is no deadlier or dangerous than regular old influenza. She also claimed that the left-wing media has stirred people into a frenzy, all in a quest for greater political power and forming a new world-order. These were extremely irresponsible and misleading claims. She further claimed that governments were shutting down Christian churches, and that the purpose of the unwarranted “hype” surrounding the coronavirus is to get President Trump out of office at any cost. Sadly, most of these claims relied upon the narrative that the virus itself “has had very little effect” upon nations.
The fact that conspiracy theorists release prophesy after prophesy without any accountability is not only irresponsible and dangerous but unbiblical.
- What is the nature of the source?
Olive Tree Ministries describes their purpose statement as follows:
“As a premillennial ministry, we believe that the hour is late and that the ark door will soon shut — this time for the Rapture of the Church. We urge every Christian to, “be ready” for the Lord’s return. We do not set dates for His return, but we can watch and discern the “season” of it as we compare biblical prophecies with the preparation for end-time events we observe taking place in our world today.”
It is important to understand that the focus of Olive Tree Ministries is not redemption, but exposing evil. They seek to expose evil, not save the lost. This ultimately lead to finding the devil behind every initiative that seems new or out of the ordinary. Please read this article:
Pulpit and Pen describes the ministry as follows:
“Markell was once surrounded by solid Bible teachers, yet continually refused to acknowledge the Scriptural truth they presented her with. This is a mark of a false teacher. She was easily drawn away to man-made myths. Now she has surrounded herself with false teachers, like Jonathan Cahn, Michell Bachmann, and others, to suit her own passions–prophetic patriotism. Her first passion, it seems, is not the promotion of the Gospel or the cross, but the salvation of America and Israel as a nation. She has put herself in a position to where she will partner with any false teacher or promote any false doctrine, as long as it advances this cause. Jan Markell and Olive Tree Ministries has become a dangerous hotbed of unsound teaching and is a ministry that should be marked and avoided.”
- Is the source known for its non-biased reporting?
NO, and it seems to be quite proud of that. Media sources regard Jan Markell ministries as EXTREME right-wing biased. All headlines are provocative and slanderous, definitely not a source that Christians should find confidence in
- Can you find the same information somewhere else from a credible source?
NO, the video has not appeared on any credible faith or secular websites – an obvious sign that it is ministry biased and not factually based
- Is the author conveying facts in search of truth or is there an agenda?
This is critically important to understand that the claims made are absolutely ridiculous and based on assumptions and interpretations. To discern between fact and fiction it is important to read the official document of the WEF and their definition what “The Great Reset” means. The official page of the World Economic forum states the “Great Reset” as follows:
“The Covid-19 crisis, and the political, economic and social disruptions it has caused, is fundamentally changing the traditional context for decision-making. The inconsistencies, inadequacies, and contradictions of multiple systems –from health and finance to energy and education – are more exposed than ever amidst a global context of concern for lives, livelihoods, and the planet. Leaders find themselves at a historic crossroads, managing short-term pressures against medium- and long-term uncertainties.
As we enter a unique window of opportunity to shape the recovery, this initiative will offer insights to help inform all those determining the future state of global relations, the direction of national economies, the priorities of societies, the nature of business models and the management of a global commons. Drawing from the vision and vast expertise of the leaders engaged across the Forum’s communities, the Great Reset initiative has a set of dimensions to build a new social contract that honours the dignity of every human being.”
The principle of equality and dignity – the two aims of the Global Reset – is further explored in the book “Global Reset” with three main chapters. The first assesses what the impact of the pandemic will be on five key macro categories: the economic, societal, geopolitical, environmental, and technological factors. The second considers the effects in micro terms, on specific industries and companies. The third hypothesizes about the nature of the possible consequences at the individual level.
Less than two weeks before its Annual Meeting in Davos, the World Economic Forum has released a new report: Faith and the Global Agenda: Values for a Post-Crisis Economy. Produced in collaboration with Georgetown University, the report features critical reflections from sixteen world religious leaders, including Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams and Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew. Drawing on diverse faith traditions, the essays call for a departure from narrow economic self-interest and for greater emphasis on values of integrity, solidarity, and care for the environment.
The World Economic Forum is a powerful global platform not widely associated with faith and values questions. But as Forum Executive Chairman Klaus Schwab and Georgetown President John DeGioia argue in the report preface, the stability and legitimacy of the post-crisis economy may depend in large part on its values foundation.
- Is the tone of the author accusing, aggressive, alarmist or does it convey concern, care, and anguish?
Sadly, there is no trace of anguish for the thousands of people dying. This is not a plea to alleviate suffering. There is not a trace of empathy, you only hear aggression, anger, and sense a victim mentality. There are no prayers for salvation or a heart for the lost – not for wisdom or discernment. The only tone we find throughout the video is that there is an enemy out there that wants to destroy us and we need to resist.
There is no doubt that there might be evil people amongst those that are currently making decisions of global concern. But when Christians are more intent on exposing evil than doing good, our good intentions make us stooges in the paw of the roaring lion who seeks to devour us, our testimony and His work.
If the content contains any slander (even in the name of truth), if it creates fear (even in the name of truth), if it creates suspicion or division (even in the name of truth) it is NOT from God and should be rejected.
Please read this article: https://thethirdway.org/sowing-suspicion-the-7th-sin-in-a-global-pandemic/
Before passing on messages of this nature, rather consider the Biblical principle of: (Philippians 4:8) “whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.”
Please have look at the following pages as well:
The goals of “The Great Reset “ of building a new social contract that honours the dignity of every human being is more Biblical than that of the conspiracy theorists. The Biblical mandate for solid economic systems is based on equality and dignity. (2 Corinthians 8:13-14 Our desire is not that others might be relieved while you are hard pressed, but that there might be equality. At the present time your plenty will supply what they need, so that in turn their plenty will supply what you need. The goal is equality) If these are the goals of the WEF it should be applauded and not placed under suspicion.
Let’s be honest, every believer should embrace this season of “resetting” our priorities, our endeavours, and our urgencies. If this season of suspicion, fear and hopelessness does not force us to re-evaluate our passion to reach the lost, then nothing will. Instead of seeking certainty in conspiracy theories, let us seek certainty in Christ and increase our urgency in all our redemptive endeavours
Also read: