DANS MET KAMELE – Lesse van volharding op ́n geloofsreis tussen die sienlike en onsienlike.
“Een van die mees uitdagende boeke wat ek nog gelees het” – Pastoor Christo Walters, Sending leier Witbank, Suid Afrika
VIDEO – The Blessing from Lebanon
Some of the voices are spectacular, some are normal but all sing the love and longing that the Master has for this region.
SHIFTING CONTAINERS – Charitable Capacity
Giving, both how we give and how much we give, is the clearest outward expression of who our God really is. Our check stubs speak more honestly of our priorities than our church memberships.” Scott Rodin
SOUPIFIED – Twice transformed into a Christ-consciousness
And so, the metamorphose begins, taking roughly two weeks to turn from a furry slug into a beautiful, winged butterfly. This process of transformation is no less magical for a follower of Christ than that of the simple caterpillar. Regeneration, transformation and metamorphose is as painful as it is glorious
“OUT OF SHADOWS” – The ethos, logos and pathos of conspiracy theories
A new documentary, COMING OUT OF THE SHADOWS, exposes the origins of false narratives in Hollywood – true or false?
FIVE REASONS – why there will NOT be a civil war in America
History has proven that Americans have the ability to rise above their difference. No doubt this will happen again, and here is why!