Category: Blog

The Third Way Blog

THE 3 FORGOTTEN FRONTIERS of modern missions

Christ describes a season of unimaginable turmoil and persecution BUT promises that the gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the world. This should strengthen our resolve to daily put our hand to the evangelistic plough. The three forgotten frontiers of modern missions are as follows…..

By Mike October 17, 2022 Off

UKRAINE – In the shadow of Easter.

In 2022, with a devastating war raging in Ukraine, Easter will be a time to not only call to remembrance the sacrificial redemption of a crucified Christ, but also a time to reflect on what we as Christians define to be the cornerstone of our faith. The pain and hardship endured by the people of Ukraine will remain senseless and meaningless unless we can view it from the shadow of the cross.

By Mike April 4, 2022 Off

South Africa:  A time to overcome.

Fighting back is not the option – we are called to retaliate.  The only choice we have as Christians is to choose our weapons wisely.  Only the armaments that are found in the armour of Christ will ultimately secure victory.

By Mike July 18, 2021 Off