Category: Blog

The Third Way Blog

INSALTED – Christianity inside out

INsalted (Not to be confused with insulted or insulting – to speak to or treat with disrespect or scornful abuse.) Matthew 5:13  “You are the salt of the earth. INSALTED: the blessing of having your inner self[1] filled[2] to the brim[3], and seasoned with virtues that reflect the beauty, the consciousness, and the character of…

By Mike June 22, 2021 Off

Bringing out the God-colours in the world.

Finally, draft number 1 of the new book, INSALTED, is completed.  A simple summary of the theme of the book is as follows: “Christianity inside-out.”  When we reflect the Christ that lives within us to a world that lives with us, then our Christianity is turned inside out. In all the hours that I spent…

By Mike May 2, 2021 Off


There are many habits that we need to unlearn, but few are so aggressively revealed as those that we so often find on social media.  There are three that probably need more attention than others.

By Mike December 11, 2020 Off