Lockdown Day 8: FORENSIC FAITH

Lockdown Day 8: FORENSIC FAITH

April 3, 2020 Off By Mike

One of the sad consequences of the Corona pandemic is the multitude of hoaxes that are penetrating vulnerable hearts and how deceptively and cunningly the enemy is in drawing our attention away from what really matters. No, this is not a 5G virus. No, it’s not a money-making-scheme. No, China is not killing its own people. No, it’s not a conspiracy. No, you will not get a microchip when you are vaccinated. No, this is not preparing the way for the anti-Christ. Yes, people are dying and heaven weeps. Yes, there is an unparalleled outcry of pain from those who are trapped in death, fear, and loss. Yes, we have a mandate to be light, salt and givers of hope.

In 1 Kings 3:5, the LORD appeared to Solomon in a dream and said to him, “Ask for whatever you want Me to give you.” We often mistakenly think that Solomon responded by asking for wisdom, but, according to Scripture, he asked for a DISCERNING HEART.

The word “discern”, in all its different uses in the New Testament, translates from the Greek word anakrino, which means “to distinguish, to separate out by diligent search, to examine”. In our quest for discernment, we, therefore, need a change of both the substance of our hearts and the content of our minds. We need to ‘re-format’ our thought process, our priorities, and our principles. If we view the COVID-19 pandemic simply from an end-time perspective, believing conspiracies and forwarding messages of fear and suspicion, we have lost the ability to discern Kingdom principles of redemption, hope, and compassion.

May God have mercy on us. Do not be hijacked by hoaxes or side-tracked by cynicism. Cherish the sanctity of life, the message of salvation and research before you pass messages of suspicion and fear on.