
Instead of being pierced with a deep sense of sorrow, the numbers of those who have died in Gaza are
Instead of being pierced with a deep sense of sorrow, the numbers of those who have died in Gaza are
You and I have bubbles. Everyone does. No matter who we are, where we live, or how enlightened we think
Following my previous article on the Church in Lebanon, I received questions about why I “never report on the church
If we don’t share the pain of Christians in Gaza and Lebanon, we are either not part of the body
Holocaust and Genocide never, repeat never happen without lies about an evil “Other.” A single human being may hurt, or
Complicit Christianity, pro-Israel advocates who support the military engagement in Gaza, will ultimately lead to the extinction of the Palestinian
At diaLOGOS (www.dialogos.co.za) and The Third Way, we are grateful to have friends, partners, and co-workers in regions that are
So, there I was, Peter, the man of three swords, the only one standing between my Master, his enemies and
We, Palestinian, Egyptian, Jordanian, Lebanese, Syrian, and Iraqi evangelical leaders representing various churches and Christian ministries, warmly invite our brothers
Defining evil in politics is notoriously complex. While politicians often reduce evil to ideologies, extremism, or oppression, the Christian point
My friend and ministry partner for the past 3 decades wrote me a message responding to my Facebook posts after
I feel I have to say this:  I want to issue a public apology to all people who witnessed the
There was one meeting that was more disconcerting than the speech Mr. Netanyahu delivered to the US Congress in July. 
If you want to be offended, BE OFFENDED, but be offended by things that matter to God.  For God’s sake,
A recent report by the Lancet Group estimates that up to 186 000 deaths could be attributable to the current conflict
I was recently introduced to the book by Cassidy S. Dale:  The Knight & the Gardener - Worldviews Make Worlds. 
Cyril Ramaphosa, the leader of the African National Congress (ANC), has been re-elected President of South Africa for the country’s
On June 7 UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has added the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) to the global list of top
Why go on an outreach?  Why travel all the way to the Middle East?  Why don't you just send them
How do we as believers deal with the tension caused by the extremes of elation and anguish?  How do we
As I reflected on the story of the 'sons of thunder' in scripture, three questions arose: Firstly, I wonder what
Sadly, it seems like the only appropriate response many Christians the West feel comfortable in offering to the current conflict
What currency do I use when I communicate my convictions about Gaza, Israel, Hamas, Palestinians?  What currency did Jesus use
The IPC’s global hunger monitor says Gaza has already surpassed the first two criteria that define a famine- food shortage
There is a new pandemic sweeping the globe.  I suffer from it, you, as reader, suffer from it and every
Easter week started yesterday.  During this week, before we celebrate the redemptive grace of God, we celebrate the lord’s goodness
If you are praying for the peace of Jerusalem, like Psalm 122 instructs, then take a moment to reconsider your
Today, two thousand years later, the setting of the Good Samaritan is fairly much the same as Gazans suffer beyond
Many Christians, with firm convictions that Israel is acting purely out of self-defence in Gaza, are good people acting in
When observing the Gaza conflict, it, therefore, becomes an absolute necessity to listen to those who are directly affected, to
Every word I speak will be accounted for – every word - by God himself.  How we address the needs
On 7 October 2023, when Hamas crossed the southern borders of Israel and killed 1,139 people, a moral question arose
The British political campaign group ‘Led By Donkeys’ laid out 11,500 sets of Children's clothing representing one set of clothes
We now live in a season of bubble-based-believers.  The conflict in Gaza has subtly turned Bible-based believers into bubble-based believers. 
This article is written for those who believe that we can only expect Godly outcomes if we engage in Godly
“Statistics don’t bleed”, or at least, so the saying goes.  This is the sad reality of Gaza today.  So how
How serious are we really about scripture when we attempt to interpret the wars in Gaza, Ukraine, Sudan, and Yemen? 
2024 is not just an election year. It’s perhaps the election year. Globally, more voters than ever in history will head to the polls
Here is a sobering thought:  love cannot coexist or be contained in the same heart that is filled with fear,
Targeting civilians in a conflict is a war crime.  But what if there are civilians in or near a legitimate
How do we respond to the conflict in Gaza?  Do we seek justice with punishment or justice with compassion?  Only
We are now celebrating Christmas. How can we embody the Prince of Peace for both Palestinians and Israelis? This essay
Extremely disturbing from a Christian perspective is the terminology used by the Israel Defence Force (IDF) for their latest AI
A Christian vice that is currently under a magnifying lens for all to see is how believers look at wars
Our response to the conflict in Gaza has more to do with the content of our hearts than the convictions
Over the past few days, we have been contemplating vices that the conflict in Gaza has exposed within the Christian
Over the past few days, we have been contemplating vices that the conflict in Gaza has exposed within the Christian
Observing Gaza, it seems like Christians have taken on the role of aggressor while Muslims talk peace.  Over the next
Observing Gaza, with the loss of more than 17,000 souls, it seems like Christians have taken on the role of
Unfortunately, the groundbreaking work of countless missionaries in the Middle East during the past decades could be nullified by the
For those who suffered in Israel in the early hours of October 7, there is hope.  For those who have
In the light of the war in Gaza, we had the opportunity to visit the Church in Egypt, probably the
Few leaders are willing to be known as peacemakers.  But even more concerning is the fact that many Christian leaders
Let’s make one thing clear, what we see in Gaza today is NOT a war. From a Hamas perspective, we
A new war has emerged since Hamas invaded Israel on 7 October.  This war has drawn innocent bystanders into the
When is truth, truth and when is truth simply an interpretation?  Is there an absolute truth or is truth always
COVID-19 opened a barn door for love to shine in, but sadly we started cursing the darkness (and one another)
The explosive interaction between Malchus and short-tempered, self-righteous defender-of-faith, Simon Peter, sets an example so definitive that it simply cannot
Supporting the church in Thembalethu, George, South Africa
We are not only restored in our joy, we are entrusted with the spiritual duty of rebuilding and reconstructing the
I have recently been inundated with questions and comments by Christians in South Africa as to the involvement of the
2 Corinthians 5:18-19  All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry
Isaiah 40:31  But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles;
“Like the blind bird, we will sing! Regardless of whether we can see through the darkness or not, we will
What flavour will I release today when I converse about load-shedding, crime, corruption, and everything else that so easily robs
Through the eyes of an eternal God who sees a thousand years as 3 hours, the 12-year conflict in Syria
One of the silent predicaments of our present time is for Christians to discern between faith and trust.  These two
Mhardeh, one of only a few Christian towns in Syria, has not only been inspirational in my walk of faith,
If we see Asbury as the ultimate destination and a move of God, we embrace are in danger of embracing
On 24 February, 2022, Russian President Vladimir Putin authorised ‘special military operations’ in eastern Ukraine. Now, nearly a year later,
Do you have eyes that cry for the people of Turkey and the people of Syria?
The Syrians need courage, more than ever before.  Courage to endure, to persevere and to survive.  But the passive bystanders,
Hope is a precious commodity that seems to disappear when one loses sight of it.  The rubble in Aleppo contains
When tragedy strikes, there will always be a clear divide between the 'fortunate unfortunate' and 'unfortunate unfortunate'. There are five
Ansam (10) born blind sings with a choir of displaced Syrian children, filmed in war-ravaged Damasus.
How do we as Christians respond to the unhappiness of load-shedding, the dissatisfaction of corruption, and the despair of crime?
Tender-heartedness is probably the one virtue that will best reveal the God that we serve.
I have always known South Africans to be a resilient people.  A nothing-will-get-us-down people.  A boer-maak-n-plan nation.  NOT anymore.  We
Virtues are at the core of our character, and character ultimately determines destiny.  The more we acknowledge the potential impact
This project is an initiative to bless the Church in Syria.  Will you consider making a contribution? Every gift, no
One of our early YWAM mentors, Alan Williams, frequently reminded us that if your output exceeds your input, your upkeep
For the first time in centuries, Christianity is now a minority in England and Wales. How do we respond to
Football enthusiasts ultimately decided that the World Cup will be a success, regardless of moral, political or ethical objections. And
How should Christians respond to COP27 and the subsequent interfaith movements?  And does Scripture provide an example for Christians to
Christ describes a season of unimaginable turmoil and persecution BUT promises that the gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed
The following books are available from the author: Please contact Mike at thirdwayinfo@gmail.com for more information   The 18inch Principle
Ironically, you have to be seasoned with salt to be sweet. Here are a dozen trademarks of a sweet person
Beauty, the most evident and attractive virtue of all, is about becoming.  Adding outward adornments can make you beautiful but
Switzerland bears witness that Christians are not buried but planted, and that the fruit of freedom is often found on
His perfect redemption is revealed through His imperfect body. Our perfect joy is received through His imperfect resurrection
In 2022, with a devastating war raging in Ukraine, Easter will be a time to not only call to remembrance
I Loved working on my new book:  ANAMORPHIC CHRISTIANITY. I was enthralled in exploring truth, worship, salvation, faith, holiness, missions,
Think about the Christmas story.  Jesus was born into a community and into a generation.  This is the context of
One COVID-19 death, 6 souls secured for an eternity with God.  Yes, COVID-19 will never have the final say.  We
A number of messages are currently circulating on social media that are not only completely false but are deliberate attempts
Fighting back is not the option – we are called to retaliate.  The only choice we have as Christians is
In an attempt to put the current pandemic into the context of  1 Corinthians 13, I wrote a 1 COVID-19
INsalted (Not to be confused with insulted or insulting – to speak to or treat with disrespect or scornful abuse.)
Why would you fight PEPUDA?  Isn’t hate speech something that your Jesus would also oppose.  Shouldn’t you applaud the ANC
Life’s unexpected challenges have a way of affecting our spirituality by making us either a better person or a bitter
The virtue of delight is very much like a fireworks display on New Year’s Eve.  It’s not only a display, it’s
Finally, draft number 1 of the new book, INSALTED, is completed.  A simple summary of the theme of the book
We need the virtue of discernment to discern if we have a spirit of discernment – especially now in the
It is truly time that we take the stories and the oracles (the STORACLES) of the Persecuted Church seriously – not just testimonies to
There are many habits that we need to unlearn, but few are so aggressively revealed as those that we so
Remember, we either give life or drain life, there is no neutral exchange.
If the US elections revealed one thing, it is the sad reality that untransformed Christianity, even camouflaged as truth and
“Humanity has unquestionably one really effective weapon; laughter. Against the assault of laughter nothing can stand.” - Mark Twain
The Bible is as much the source of truth as it is a book that can corrupt.
Op dié erfenispad klink die evangelie duidelik tussen oorlogsknalle. Ja, die ou boodskap uit die Soutpansberg – steeds toegedraai in
“If your Christian conversion did not reverse the direction of your life, if it did not transform it, then you
Christians are not people who passively accept ridicule, persecution, and affliction. They retaliate! But they do not retaliate with the
“As Jesus is lynched in the name of religious orthodoxy and executed in the name of imperial justice... we discover
Here is a short video with some thoughts on COVID-19, mobilizing for missions, and MAKING IT COUNT!
Five lessons for the race of life and the journey of faith
This video shows the road out of Newcastle towards the farm where Glen and Vida Rafferty were shot.
A Church in Beirut is providing new window frames, fitted with glass, to people in Beirut. PROJECT WINDOW OF HOPE
Another video predicting the New World Order, related to the COVID-19 virus, appeared on Social Media the past month, Is
Our death should always be as significant as our lives.
World leaders are still in disagreement as to what actually caused the Beirut blast and the question is asked "Can
In the same way that it took one spark to ignite the ammonium and destroy a city and the lives
We all face the wrath of the “Facebook Police Force” at one time or another. How do we respond?
Philippians 1:27  Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ.
“Een van die mees uitdagende boeke wat ek nog gelees het”  -  Pastoor Christo Walters, Sending leier Witbank, Suid Afrika
We need to tighten our grip.
Some of the voices are spectacular, some are normal but all sing the love and longing that the Master has
Giving, both how we give and how much we give, is the clearest outward expression of who our God really
And so, the metamorphose begins, taking roughly two weeks to turn from a furry slug into a beautiful, winged butterfly.
A new documentary, COMING OUT OF THE SHADOWS, exposes the origins of false narratives in Hollywood - true or false?
We need to confront our fears
The rhythm of Africa
History has proven that Americans have the ability to rise above their difference. No doubt this will happen again, and
Unless we can truly expand our capacity to make Godly choices our containers will remain small and unable to contain
Malak - The angel of the desert
There has to be a concerted effort by all who live by the name Jesus to move away from agendas,
Growing our capacity to love deeper, to love wider, to love more extravagantly, and to love completely differently must be
A photo display of seeing the unseen in Syria
Ansam (10) born blind sings with a choir of displaced Syrian children, filmed in war-ravaged Damasus.
Growing our capacity to love deeper, to love wider, to love more extravagantly, and to love completely differently must be
Baba Yetu (By Christopher Tin), the Lord's Prayer in Swahili
Proverbs 16:24  Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones. 
“We need to align our theologies not by what man says about God but by what God says about man.“
After the murder of George Floyd one began to realise that a number of lines were crossed - the line
Dr. Martin Luther King on non-violence and civil disobedience
As followers of Jesus Christ, we must declare that the most powerful Spirit alive today is not the one that
COVOD-19 is turning skeptics into cynics. Test yourself with the five trademarks of a cynic.
This is not a call to holiness but a call to be attracted to holiness!
"When we can see the image of God where we don’t want to see the image of God, then we
This is not a call to holiness but a call to be attracted to holiness!
"When we can see the image of God where we don’t want to see the image of God, then we
In everything that you can be in life - BE KIND
5 attitudes when choosing the best of two evils
It is critically important to understand the agenda, source and falsehood in the videos.  It is equally important to 'push
There is a dignity that comes through the process of transformation that is even more contagious than the virus itself. 
How serious are we really about scripture when we attempt to interpret the season we live in from a Biblical
Mark 8:34  Then he called the crowd to him along with his disciples and said: "Whoever wants to be my
Every day new theories - and solutions - are presented and leaders are criticised and placed under suspicion by well-meaning
As Christians we need to be transformed with an ever-increasing capacity to develop a Christ consciousness.  We need to be
INcontext International is currently facilitating virtual conferences with representatives from across the globe to discuss MISSIONS IN A POST COVID-19
After five weeks of daily lockdown-devotions, I am bringing my rolling updates to a close.  For those who watched the
One of the greatest gifts any person can pray for is loyal and faithful friends. Nothing on earth is more
A list of eight certain uncertainties that we will face during this COVID-19 season in one form or another, and
A list of eight certain uncertainties that we will face during this COVID-19 season in one form or another, and
Conspiracy theories are currently flooding the globe referring to Bill Gates as the Antichrist and his Quantum Dot Tattoo vaccine
God’s goodness is not only revealed by those who are healed but also by those who are willing to die
1 Peter 2:1  Therefore, rid yourselves of all malice and all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander of EVERY KIND.
It’s not WHAT you communicate, it’s HOW you communicate. In this season of uncertainty the currency we deal with becomes
When lockdown comes to an end, beware of living a life of “blowing & going, plotting & planning, ducking &
The question is: Why do we trust people we do not know with information we do not need that can
When misinformation goes viral
We need to enter a meeting like a 1-liter container of available volume and leave the meeting like a 5-liter
We have hope.  Hold on to it!  And remember the promise written in Jeremiah 29:11,  “For I know the plans
The LA Times paid tribute to those who sacrifice life and limb as they compassionately care for the GOVID-19 victims.
The ability to look at ourselves through ‘light-hearted' lenses will draw people closer to us. At the same time, it
While we were sleeping another conspiracy theory relating to the COVID-19 virus appeared on Social Media.  This time by a
Before we get to Calvary, we always pass through Gethsemane, the place where our will meets the will of God.
It will be a sad indictment on any believer if we finish the lockdown spiritually in the same way that
Nothing reveals theology more than when we talk to our God.  A transformed life will not only be revealed in
Focusing only on the PROPHETIC can make us lose sight of the REDEMPTIVE – and never has this been more
In the last days there will only be two kinds of Christians in the world: Those who are surprised and
How amazing that the Coronavirus forced the Church to innovate new ways of celebrating togetherness by being apart.
Do we seek perfection, or do we seek the scars of redemption, obtained on the cross and revealed through resurrection?
His goodness is indescribable... His grace is beyond words... His glory is beyond description.
Easter Saturday is the day between despair and hope. The moment of hopelessness between the bloody cross and the empty
A true Church is a sacrificial Church. We will only prove the existence of our crucified Lord through our crucified
How overwhelmingly comforting to know that in the midst of a shaken world, God remains unshaken.
The Palm Sunday story displays the transition from expectation to disappointment in technicolour.
Christ never saw himself as a victim but as a servant. The apostles never saw their persecution (or lock-down) as
In times of difficulty, God offers us his presence, not a parachute
Palm Sunday 2020 – not what we expected. But neither did the first “Palm Sunday” deliver on the expectations of
The full extent of God’s creative objective sometimes takes place in the cocoon of pain and transformation.
One of the sad consequences of the Corona pandemic is the multitude of hoaxes that are penetrating vulnerable hearts and
The reality in life is that we will only see what we give attention to.
So, what will you do with your time today?
But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will
"And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." Matthew 28:20
“So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is
Life has a strange way of happening while we make other plans.
When God instructs His Church to be still, to PRACTICE THE PAUSE, it is a call to add God-spaces to
By using His times of solitude wisely, Jesus was able to use the times of isolation as opportunities to prepare
Being in lockdown for 21 days will require an exercise in supreme delayed gratification. The inconvenience of the present can
A virtual congregation set up during the coronavirus lockdown has caused an Edinburgh church's numbers to be eight times their
That’s my problem. See, I’m trying to read the Bible for all it’s worth, but I’m not a Hebrew slave
People in the northern Indian state of Punjab are reacting with awe at the sight of the Himalayan mountain range, which is
How the story of Jesus’ triumphal entry—and my chronic pain diagnosis—helped me trade in false hopes for a truer picture